I was sitting here this morning looking through pictures my kids posted from our trip to the Royals game last night. They are great! I had such a good time hanging out at the K with my girls while Arty watched the game (and we sorta watched the game). Of course, the only runs the Royals scored happened while I was off with the girls in search of ice cream so we missed all 3 runs!! The guys behind us offered to buy us ice cream again if I would just get up and leave for 20 minutes....the thinking being us gone was lucky!
I so appreciate the times I get to just hang out with my kids. It is just simple happiness. I realize I started being a mom nearly 20 years ago. Wow! Where has the time gone! By the time Riley goes to college I will be in my mid-fifties! That means I will have been a mother in my 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's! 4 decades of motherhood! I think many women would hear that and groan, pity me or both. The truth is, I love it. I love that I will probably be a grandmother before Riley is in college. I will never be lost for young people in my life and that is just the way I want it. I don't think in my 20's you could have convinced me to make this plan for my life. I would have been one of those women groaning at the thought of it. Although some days it may feel like chaos, the trade off is love, joy, silliness, camaraderie, friendship, intimacy and happiness. And I get four decades!
simply wonderful. i couldn't have said it better myself. :) i hope i'm right there with ya! :)