Thursday, June 17, 2010

Can you pronounce Lao Tzu?

Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing. ~Lao Tzu

First, I have no idea how to pronounce that name. In fact, I started thinking of all the profound quotes I love and frequently I do not know how to pronounce the originator. Ergo, I suppose if I want to be considered profound I should consider changing my name. Anyhoo, not my point.

I talked to several people today and there was a common theme: "I have so many things to do today I just have no idea where to start." "I just can't possibly make it to the pool today, I have too many things to do." "I just felt so overburdened with things to do that I didn't even get out of bed til noon."

I don't typically feel this way. Actually, several of my friends give me a hard time when they call because every time they ask what I am doing, my typical response is "nothing". The truth is that I am always doing something. Sometimes, many times, it's just not something I want to admit that I am doing. Like: eating chips & salsa (this actually happens way too often!), playing on the computer (ditto!! way way too often!), sleeping, watching tv, yelling at a kid or get the idea. But that isn't always the case. In fact, I find most moms are great at multi-tasking which means we aren't just doing something we are doing many somethings.

As I thought about this I actually recalled a phone conversation I had just the other day. It wasn't the conversation that was important. Nor was it the fact that I was on the phone for over 2 hours! No, the crazy thing is everything ELSE I accomplished while I was on the phone.

  • talked on the phone
  • folded a load of laundry from the dryer
  • switched a load from washer to dryer
  • added a load to the washer
  • swept the kitchen floor
  • unloaded the dishwasher
  • made my bed
  • picked up my bathroom
  • sorted the girls' dirty laundry
  • changed my clothes
  • put on make-up
  • AND straightened my hair
I'm not kidding. Then after I got off the phone I actually "got something done." I had errands to run for Arty...Salvation Army, bank, pick up contacts, and drop off dvd player at Best Buy. The funny thing is I didn't feel like I had accomplished anything until I finished those errands. I actually said, "Yeah! I got something productive done today!" That's Crazy! If someone had asked me, that whole list of stuff I did while I was on the phone would have been described as "doing nothing."

So. My advice to those women today would be to give yourself credit for all the "nothing" you accomplished today and don't get overwhelmed by the to do list. If you didn't get to it today, it will be there tomorrow. And hey, you should really throw an actual "hanging by the pool doing nothing" into your week too!

1 comment:

  1. you should talk to friends more often! ;) i am impressed you could do your hair while on the phone. i don't think i could do that. i usually actually do nothing - really - during my phone conversations. once in a while i work on laundry, etc, but most times i sit down, devote my whole self to that person and simply enjoy my one on one adult time in a houseful of kids!!!!! :) ps - i really hate these ads. they are mega distracting. :O
