This has been my prevailing thought since. . . . well, since . . . .I was going to say since my first child was born...but the truth is since I put on my swimsuit for the first time this year. I have talked to a few people about their exercise habits and, no surprise, no one really has a consistent exercise regime. In the past week I have even been considering joining a gym thinking that would increase my motivation.
Today I decided to search how to create an effective daily habit. I did get results for websites on how to create a daily habit of exercise but I also got websites for reflection, prayer, positive affirmations, breakfast, smoothies, gratitude, vitamins and the list goes on. It's good to know I'm not the only person struggling with creating habits!
A habit is by definition a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition. Therein lies my problem. Frequent repetition hasn't been in the cards where exercise is concerned. It's not that I can't achieve frequent repetition. I have no problem with these habits:
- swimming pool
- television
- blogger
- facebook
- snacking at 10pm
Pfft. If you have any suggestions.....
here i will say this. you can research and think about it all you want. there's no magic formula, it is simply a matter of committing to it, doing it, making it happen. in fact, think of how many sit-ups you could have done while researching regimens that morning? hey, maybe we should try doing situps while talking to each other on the phone. now THAT would be an achievement. :)