Sunday, July 11, 2010

8 days to go

I am having physical symptoms of anxiety. Headache, inability to focus on a task, upset stomach, tiredness. But so far, I haven't had an actual breakdown.

The kids arrived safely in Florida this morning about 5:30am. Ariele called to let me know that Jill was complaining of a headache and upset stomach. I assume it is just overtiredness combined with car sickness and excitement. I'm praying that is all it is. On the plus side, more adults arrived just moments of them is the girls' aunt who is a nurse! Praises! That helps ease my mind and worry a tad!

Yesterday. I went auctioning but no treasures were found. Library. Found a book and a couple movies to help keep me occupied. Jaime. Went to visit and check out her new paint job. Looks good. Hung out and chatted for a couple hours too. Always fun and a great distraction. Dinner with Arty and Riley. Fish tacos - yummy! We stopped by a friend of Arty's birthday party. It was weird but okay. I can now count myself as one of those parents who took their young child to a kegger. I'm proud ;)

Today. We went to church. I wore a dress to try to cheer myself up. But then twin 2 year olds screamed in each of my ears for an hour and the mood was shot. Couldn't sit still thru Ken's sermon. I considered painting today...but then the rainy crappy day just shot my planned productivity to heck and I ended up watching TV for the past 3 hours while I reclined on the couch.

I miss the girls.

Riley is bored. (She has told me 10 times today at least)

Arty is, where else, in the basement.

I hope this isn't a peek into what the rest of the week will be like.

1 comment:

  1. love fish tacos. :) can't believe you took her to a kegger!!! ;O well, i'll not comment on the church bit...but i am grinning from ear to ear over that one and know you know why. :)
