Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How did I get here?

I had a tubal ligation when I delivered Riley by C-section over 7 years ago. SEVEN! And yet I think I just came to the realization yesterday that I wouldn't be having any more babies. It made me really, really sad as I watched my LAST baby get her first big girl haircut. Sniffle. But seriously, I cried. It was pathetic.

I sat there trying to regain my composure by flipping through a magazine. As I did, I gazed upon famous people....with their toddlers! Awww, darn it. More sadness. One picture was a mom sitting "criss-cross applesauce" on the ground at the park with her daughter on her lap. Honestly, I used to love sitting like that with my toddlers...reading a book, watching television, blowing bubbles, picking "flowers" to tie together to make a necklace. (Insert reminiscent sigh here.)

Problem: I erroneously think I could still manage a baby because I tend to think I am younger than my actual age. Many of my (younger) friends are just having babies or talking about having babies or talking about maybe wanting to get married so they can start having babies. It breaks my heart because part of me wants to be right there with them. It's like because I live my life alongside theirs I sometimes feel like my life mirrors theirs as well. WRONG! Reality: I sat criss-cross on the floor playing with cars with my great-nephew over this past weekend and my legs went to sleep. For real! I had to wait 5 minutes for the numbness to wear off before I could stand! SUCK! STARK REALITY: I actually HAVE a great-nephew!! TWO in fact!!


I'm old.

It sucks.

It's 10 o'clock.

Past my bedtime.


  1. I am one of those friends having babies ~ well just one. BUT I understand about feeling old (I know you have a bit more experience here on this Earth than I) I feel this pregnancy much more. I love your blog because I feel that I can relate to what you're saying ~ pretty much every time.

    So you won't have anymore newborns ~ no spitup, explosive diapers, multiple middle-of-the-night wake ups, or childcare required anytime you want to do something remotely for/by yourself BUT you still get all the hugs, and physical interraction with the ones you have! That doesn't go away (it does lessen but not dissappear).

    Love you girl!!

  2. Congratulations Shasty! I am so happy for you and Bennett. Also, thanks for the encouraging comments and well, encouraging me to blog. It means more than you know. Love ya!

  3. i'm one of your older friends, and i'm laughing. seriously? just the other day? wow! well, you can always adopt you know... ;)
